
Apparently there is a new rash of e-mails going around, which is full of malicious lies concerning Senator Obama's background and religion. Again, this is why I've started this page, to provide people with ammunition to use against these attacks. I encourage anyone who receives the email, or hears misguided discussion relating to the Senator's background to respond, as Obama says, swiftly with the truth.
Snopes.com has a piece about the e-mail
About.com also has an entry
Here's his Wikipedia entry
Here's a story about it from Politico.com

People have been visiting Obama's official campaign site asking about the e-mails in the community blogs. I'm trying to respond to those with the truth as often as I can, and I encourage you to do the same, if anyone asks you or you hear any of these misconceptions.

For the record, I wouldn't discount the potential of any candidate, or for that matter, any human being upon discovering the nature of their religion. Honestly, the only details about a candidate's personal life that I think might matter would be the a history of crime against others, drug abuse, or a debilitating health problem.


Here's an example of why I started this blog. I read this in the rants/raves section of the Charleston, S.C. Craigslist page:

C'mon S.C. Let's show Oprah the same thing NH Did!
Just as the voters did in New Hampshire, we voters in South Carolina must come together and show Oprah Winfrey that we're not her puppets and we will NOT vote for her Muslim candidate, who has NO experience and NO substance behind those empty speaches of "change".

Unlike the pig farming, corn huskers in Iowa, we've got to show we're just as smart and independent from Oprah's "spell" as New Hampshire proved. Our only hope of getting another Democrat back in the White House is HILLARY CLINTON. She is the only QUALIFIED candidate who can clean up Bush's mess.

Let's do it SC!!!

Now, it's not that I take issue with anyone who dislikes Obama. Every candidate is bound to draw opposition, even of the irrational type. But here's an example of one widespread misconception, and again, this blog will be a place to debunk these rampant fairytales, like the peristent claim that Obama lacks experience, or the ridiculous notion that he is a Muslim.
Because, although a Craigslist rants/raves page represents the sleaziest source of opinions that I know of, the same idea has crept around enough in the form of spam e-mails and the usual banter from conservative talk show hosts, and folks like David Horowitz, who published the same lie just yesterday, that it has led to widespread rumors and misunderstandings in the public as far as I can tell. Washington Post staff writer Perry Bacon Jr. noticed the phenomenon back in November.

What does a person do, when he's tired of reading slanderous lies about his preferred candidate?
He responds with the truth.

Why I'm for Obama

America needs a leader.
We have plenty of politicians, and plenty of people are qualified to live in the White House, and in fact, several of the current candidates would probably be good Presidents, in the traditional mold of Presidents that we're used to.
But that's the thing, see. We're used to politicians, rich and powerful individuals who make careers out of campaigning. As far as I can tell, America hasn't seen a genuine leader since they shot Dr. Martin Luther King.

What I see in Barack Obama is a man with the potential to inspire thousands of people into action. The fact that I'm taking the time to write this is evidence of that. I see a man who can change millions of minds. I see a man who reminds America that the American dream is still alive, and fundamentally it is nothing more and nothing less than overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, if necessary (and it's always necessary) in order to leave a better world for our children.

His vision and power to inspire are igniting undiscovered passions in people all over the nation. Young men and women are excited about the potential of real change in America. Change is more than a buzzword, of course, but I don't believe that any other candidate in the race would exact a more drastic and fundamental change in the Executive power structure simply by walking into the Office on day one.

Obama is more than a politician, he is a leader, and an inspirtion to millions. He speaks of unity rather than division. He speaks of hope rather than fear. He speaks of WE rather than ME.

I could go on...I could talk about his plan to bring all of our troops home in 16 months, I could mention his plans for a national health insurance plan, along with his plans for improvement of the existing insurer-consumer relationship, or i could talk about his plans for payroll tax reform to improve and protect social security...

But my reasons for supporting Obama transcend my concerns for public policy. They amount to a basic concern for my country, and the idea that one man, with the courage to do something most people say is impossible, along with our help, can inspire generations of Americans to follow, and return an aspect of optimism to the American paradigm, which has suffered so much in recent years from exploitation through the politics of fear and division.